
Friday, August 26, 2011

An Educational Guide about Masturbation

Posted August 26,By; MuthuKumar

Unusually high masturbation levels and ejaculation trigger acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions. Stimulation above the threshold area can cause over secretion of sexual hormones and neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin.
Plentiful and erratically high amounts of such hormones and neurotransmitters may result in excess performance of brain and adrenal glands in regards to dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and convert the functioning of brain and body to extremely sympathetic levels. Put in different words, there is a huge alteration of metabolic chemistry during excessive masturbation
Masturbation is a fairly healthy sexual grievance. But excesses don’t help in any aspect. Addiction to it can lead to loss of balance both psychologically and physiologically

The side effects of such changes to the body include:

  • Fatigue. You would feel lethargy all the time
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Thinning hair / Hair Loss
  • Supple / infirm Erection
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Eye floaters or blurred vision
  • Pain in groin or testes
  • Cramp or sharp agony in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone
Masturbation is a huge player for maintaining a normal sex life. Often, we imbibe its virtues as children. A few of us derive its beauty and pleasantness through friends who hit the game earlier. It’s nice euphoric feeling and thus we continue masturbating. It’s a harbinger to mature adult relationships and also ensures that the “sexual teen slips” due to over brewing hormones do not mislead us.
It can increase the intensity of a sexual relationship in which partners look at it as a precursor to other sexual act or even as a main act. It keeps the man/woman in us satiated at times when the relationship hits a rough phase or the partner is away or sick. Masturbation can act as an equalizer in those relationships where a partner possesses higher sexual urge than the other.

How much is excess masturbation?

While it can depend on many preconditions, it is generally believed that 2-3 times a week is a perfectly okay figure. Having said this, masturbation can be had a higher number of times if you learn the art of hitting climax without actually ejaculating. Such a practice helps in keeping bioenergy of our system intact and helps your penis in growing stronger. Also, the phase of erection would come at a lengthier time and the ejaculation volume becomes greater too.
Masturbation is advised by most doctors for enhancing the health and promoting sexual fitness. But life does not work well at extremes. Too much masturbation can cause stress, lethargy and temporary amnesia. At the tether, it might lead to scalp reduction and infertility.

Seen broadly, masturbation is neutral to metabolism

A recent study suggests that 87% of women and 95% of men have performed masturbation—however, excessive masturbation results in major alterations of brain and body. It can sever the liver’s release of enzymes that help in synthesizing neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin. As an addition, even the capability of liver to release enzymes succoring hormone production is hit upon. Consequently, the brain and adrenal glands produce excess dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, along with other hormones and neural transmitters.
Symptoms (also called Sexual Exhaustion) can range from a debilitated functioning of liver and nervous functions and can include but are not limited to infertility at youth/ erectile dysfunction (including a supple and infirm erection) and leakage of semen. After an age, impotency can still occur and 30 percent men have statistically been suffering from it but at youth it can be owing to a combination of above mentioned factors.
Over-masturbation can result in maladies like seminal leakage; this makes the semen to sluice out of penis without any erection. These syndromes are confirmedly embarrassing and cause a lot of discomfort and sexual lethargy.
Semen leakage is a symptom of weakening of parasympathetic nerve, held responsible for maintaining the lid on ejaculation valve.

Get rid From the Compulsion to masturbate

Primary step most certainly includes reduction of the frequency of masturbation and associated ejaculations.Add soyabean and reduce caffeine. Look for nutty foods like sunflower seeds and certain cereals and lessen red meat along with dairy items. Fresh fruit juices instead of carbonated beverage work pretty well. Water aplenty is the mantra. .
There are plenty of herbs in the market that have been working exceedingly well to remove such debilities.
Ashwagandha from the Oriental world is considered to be an effective aid.You can have engrossing erections and a stronger organ if you live within the threshold. Energy levels would become higher and pain in the abdominal and testicular area would decrease.

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